after cover is off, scream and say ack when you pull the gunky old filter out...and replace it with new one...then put new gasket and cover back on, insert screw and putit in straight so the threads will catch....and re tighten boltHow do you change the oil filter on an oil burner (boiler) ?
Follow the manufacturers instructions. Use replacement parts recommended by the manufacturer. Obviously the unit would have to be isolated and shut down prior to replacing the filter else the oil or fluid would splash in your face.How do you change the oil filter on an oil burner (boiler) ?
On any tanks that I have seen at one end of the tank is a canister with a nut at the top. the filter is in there.
There should be a valve to shut the oil off next to the tank.
Work it back %26amp; forth to loosen it %26amp; that helps it to close better
Loosen the nut on the canister %26amp; remove the filter,
Have something to catch the dripping.
Let the filter drip dry, Then take it to a good harware store for a replacement.
You took it apart so You reverse the steps.
Find where the filter is. At the bottom of the canister is a bolt. Simply unscrew the bolt, take the cannister out which will be full of fuel oil, dump it, pull the filter out, put in the new one, then assemble back together.
Shut off the supply line , remove and replace.
Do You have a shut off? Shut off the oil use a pan and change the filter.
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