Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What is the best oil filter to use?

I use Purolator PureOne. Are there any better ones out there?What is the best oil filter to use?
Here is a link to a good comparison of about 15 or 20 oil filters, comparing features such as filter media, construction, bypass valve, end caps and sealing methods. It is interesting how many brand names are actually produced by the same manufacturer.

Wix seems to be one of the best, overall.鈥?/a>What is the best oil filter to use?
Fram filters have had numerous problems resulting in failure. I prefer WIX. To the person promoting his business here....Take it somewhere else. This isn't the place to snag a few bucks by luring in customers.
When I was getting my assocates degree in auto teck, We did and experement with oil filters. We cut them open to see what was inside and how much filter there was in side.

The best we found was

STP dubble action oil filter

Ac Filter

napa gold

napa silver

This was rating them 1-10

Low oil filters with little filtraction in them was a followes

#5 fram

#4 purolator

#3 valavoline

#2 quickey oil mart filters

Oil filters sold at the oil mart such as queckey lub and them places use a cheep filter that is why thy( not the manufactors) say change you oil every 3000 miles because them cheep oil filters will not keep your oil any cleaner longer then 3000 miles.

If you look in the mantance books for your car it will say 5000-7000 depending on your driving condictions. In most cases 5000 is good but them quick oil places will say 3000 .
i have used fram filters for 20 years now and never had any problems from them most people prefer to use the brand that the car came with,all of them are guaranteed not to do damage to your engine fram is as good as any of the rest and a little cheaper also,good luck.
I have seen many cars use different ones. The importance is '; regular '; oil changes. Purolator is good, Fram is good.
Inquire at the better service stations to see what they use. If you have real interest go through the internet to each manufacturer and ask how their filter compares with whatever.
I'm with Patrick. I vote WIX. I run a WIX filter on everything I own. Cost a little more, but I've heard too many death stories about Fram coming apart internally...
what ever oil filte you should be car manufacture spec realy it depends on micro filliment the more micro more trap it collets

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