Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What is the best way to remove the oil filter from a '96 Honda Civic.?

It looks impossible to reach it from the top. Is the best way to come from underneath, or from the side through the wheel well?What is the best way to remove the oil filter from a '96 Honda Civic.?
The best way is from underneath..with the car on stands.

The worst is when you have to jam a screwdriver through it because the old one was put on too tightly....What is the best way to remove the oil filter from a '96 Honda Civic.?
i would pick up a oil filter wrench they had many different kinds pick one up that looks like it would work in your case
Here's what you do.First you'll need a long stick.You'll also need to be near a large body of water.Position the car near the body of water and open the door.With the car off wedge the stick between the accelerator and the drivers seat.Put the car in drive.Close the door.And reach through the window into the car and start the car.Next-Watch that sucka sink.And last go get a new car.LOL
Wal-Mart has a filter wrench that fits onto a standard 3/8 ratchet, it grips better than any filter wrench i have ever seen they have them for different makes of cars and costs under 10 bucks

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