Friday, December 18, 2009

Whats the easiest way to get to the oil filter on a 2002 pontiac sunfire?

By using just jack stands and what not. I dont have a car lift to change it.Whats the easiest way to get to the oil filter on a 2002 pontiac sunfire?
use an oil filter remover..its available on most auto shops..try to borrow some..LOLWhats the easiest way to get to the oil filter on a 2002 pontiac sunfire?
get car up...silde under it... remove with oil filter wrench let drain ....trick wet new oil filter seal with oil before screwing it back helps when removing next time and if you want to do work on your car it best to get a book about it any parts store can help you with everything you need even more info on how its done and what you need
if you can just take a screw driver and a hammer and stab it to turn the old one and just install the new one as tight as you can get it, also k%26amp;n makes a oil filter that has a nut on the end for installation with a socket that makes it easier but there kind of expensive at about 11$

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