Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What is the absolute best oil filter?

Im about to start using Royal purple oil

and now i want the best oil filter to go with it.What is the absolute best oil filter?
Fram filters are garbage. Delco had a premium line that was an excellent filter but I have not seen them for quite some time. I use Purolator plus filters they are excellent.What is the absolute best oil filter?
FRAM is the best. OK
Kudos on your oil selection. Ive been using it for years!! Now to you r filter question......Ive been using Fram Filters , there are so many manufactures out there , who knows what make is the best I use my brand because when I started changing my own oil ,that was the filter dad used.
any filter is good as long as it does it jobs and i think they all will do that
probably ac delco you cant go wrong dont ever use bosch for anything except maybe winshield wipers thats it though
theres not to much difference between all the manufactures and delco is just reboxed stuff 2, real delco stuff only comes from the dealership....
Remote-mounted dual pad removable element racing filter. You can get sub-micron elements, you replace them inside a spin-off can. It's a kit at speed shops, you have to plumb them in with rubber hose and put a block-off plate on the filter pad of your engine. It makes it much easier to run a cooler too, and why not put in an oil temp gauge (ALWAYS run a pressure gauge, not a light)
the best oil filter is a mobil 1 and also for oil use mobil 1 full synthetic. I do not like that royal purple stuff. there have been sludge problems noted with using this oil. Asplundh Tree Services began using this in all thier fleets and after afew months quickly switched back to regular oil.

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