Monday, April 26, 2010

I left and brand new oil filter in the trunk of the car all those long hot summer would it still be ok to use?

Now would i need a new oil filter or would something be wrong with it since it was store in a very hot place.I know it is kind of a dumb question to ask,i was wondering if the heat from the sun under the trunk would have any effect as heat from the hot oil.I left and brand new oil filter in the trunk of the car all those long hot summer would it still be ok to use?
As long as it was in the box and didnt get full of grit, it's okayI left and brand new oil filter in the trunk of the car all those long hot summer would it still be ok to use?
NOPE! an oil filter sitting in a 120 degree trunk will still be as new as one sitting on a 120 degree shelf in a hot warehouse in Texas.

AFTER it gets installed then it has to live on the side of a 195 degree engine block with 195 degree oil running thru it.

the filter will be fine.

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